
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth 修改器

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth 与其他您最喜爱的数以千计的单机(PC端)游戏的免费 Mod 和修改器 —— 尽在 WeMod。

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Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth 修改器

支持的平台 Steam Xbox

下载 Windows 平台下载 85 MB
支持的平台 Steam Xbox · 85mb
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
WeMod is the #1 trainer & cheats app for PC games Always free, always safe

64 个可用 Mod

  • 无限生命/体力
  • 无限魔法
  • 最大狂热槽
  • 无限龙之复苏持续时间
  • 隐身模式/不遇敌
  • 无限街头冲浪者电池
  • 防御倍率
  • 无限经验
  • 经验倍率
  • 无限职业经验
  • 职业经验倍率
  • 无限羁绊
  • 羁绊倍率
  • 无限个性经验
  • 个性经验值乘数
  • 无限觉醒经验
  • 觉醒经验值乘数
  • 最大伙伴等级
  • 超级伤害/轻松击杀
  • 伤害倍率
  • 疯狂快递:最高得分
  • 疯狂快递:无限食物
  • 疯狂快递:无限加速
  • Sujimon:无限SP
  • Sujimon:无限MP
  • Sujimon:一击必杀
  • Sujimon:最大经验
  • Sujimon:最大友情
  • Dondoko岛:无限生命
  • Dondoko岛:编辑Dokobucks
  • Dondoko岛:无限基础资源
  • 卡拉OK:完美得分
  • 飞镖:永远赢
  • 错配:最大爱心
  • Can Quest: 最高分数
  • 高尔夫:最高分数(最靠近旗杆)
  • 高尔夫:无限次击球(宾果挑战)
  • Sicko Snap: 最高得分
  • 轻松完成挑战
  • 设置游戏速度
  • 编辑黄金
  • 金钱倍率
  • 编辑恢复物品数量
  • 编辑状态物品数量
  • 编辑战斗物品数量
  • 编辑成长物品数量
  • 编辑材料数量
  • 编辑Sujimon物品数量
  • 编辑其他物品数量
  • 编辑将棋点数
  • 编辑命运点数
  • 编辑失配点数
  • 编辑递送点数
  • 编辑Sujimon联盟点数
  • 编辑罐头任务点数
  • 编辑高尔夫积分
  • 编辑击球中心积分
  • 编辑 M HOLD'EM 筹码
  • 编辑赌场代币
  • 编辑木牌
  • 编辑回收中心点数
  • 编辑快照点数
  • 无制作材料成本
  • 无烹饪材料成本
视频预览 Gameplay
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth 修改器截图 App

我们的 Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth 修改器拥有​​ 64 个功能并支持SteamXbox。在WeMod应用中使用这个修改器以及其他更多修改器!

About WeMod

Win 11, Win 10, Win 8.1, Win 7


我们的 Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth 修改器拥有​​ 64 个功能并支持SteamXbox。在WeMod应用中使用这个修改器以及其他更多修改器!


Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth 修改器截图 截图
视频预览 游戏视频
Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7
Always free, always safe
Trustpilot: 27,922 reviews 4.9 Stars 4.9/5

Trusted by over 10M gamers worldwide.

No risky downloads. No viruses.
Malware-free, community-tested mods.

VirusTotal scan
Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7




我们全球数百万玩家组成的社区使WeMod能够永远免费和安全。我们是由WeMod专业版会员支持的。请在 Trustpilot 上查看我们的评价。

如何在 Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth 中使用修改器?
WeMod 将安全地显示在您的PC上的所有游戏。从列表中打开游戏,然后点击Play。 在游戏加载完并进入游戏后,你就可以开始启用不同的修改器功能!


CleverCoat192 22 5月
thanks mate, got my shark fins finally,I still did fished like 200 times lol
Stealtyninja 21 4月
Options for every component of the game.
AbsoluteTable9637 20 4月
good, save me a day thks you so much
LocalEagle581 14 4月
To whoever made this mod, thank you. THANK YOU. I use the "Infinite HP" setting to progress through certain points, and while I honestly enjoy a challenge in video games, this allows me to move along in the story without feeling like I'm at a dead end. The work that you do is beneficial beyond words & appreciation to people like myself who have family & other obligations, and just want to play through games, but don't have tons of time to grind for levels or bang their heads against the wall to get through parts. I just want you to know that, however trivial others might see it, your game mods mean a lot to me, and I would love to buy you a beer or show some greater form of appreciation to you one day. Please know you are wonderful, and loved, and your work is meaningful. Thank you so much once again!!
HotParcel306 9 3月
Fantastic asper usual from WeMod.
FamousSheep526 6 3月
Everything works great! Thank you!
Rengeki 1 3月
Excellent trainer, and makes it much more manageable to get through the game when I've not got a lot of free time. Especially love the Stealth Mode for getting around without constant interruptions! Thanks so much!
Aburage 19 2月
My gameplay has been so much better with these mods! Thank you so much!
PowerfulRing705 18 2月
great work, helped a lot with the sujimon / weapon grind
SupremeYam182 12 2月
Really helps with the grind! Thank you!
InvincleWeMod 8 2月
I work a bunch, in a field that could possibly land me in a not so alive state, and this mod allows to me play the game at better pace without having to grind so much. Thanks!
SorekMod 5 2月
Great work brother, works beautifully
Melamiao 2 2月
This Really helped. Just want to enjoy the storyline and have some fun in battles, but didn't want to spend lots of time getting experience and money.
ReliablePancake66 1 2月
this one is perfect, it has all the functions that I need
Hingedcookie34 1 2月
This is the best. is it possible to do the same for the other games?
karohemd 30 1月
Just what I needed, I never have enough money and recovery items... Thank you!
DynamicBox438 29 1月
nice, wanted some fortune points, can you add points for the recycle girl
No_Life_King 28 1月
Good stuff. No problems with anything.
Offlinempty 27 1月
made a great game perfect, so quickly too. you all are amazing. thank you
KoburaV4.0 26 1月
Amazing how quickly you folks can get these together. Makes gaming for a dad with a toddler much more enjoyable. Thanks so much

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